The Elite MPX™ is equipped with multiple wavelengths and IPL technology to perform a variety of aesthetic laser treatments quickly and comfortably. The Elite MPX is used to remove hair, vanish facial and spider veins and reverse the signs of aging by removing dark spots and reducing wrinkles. The power of the Elite MPX can be adjusted and customized so that treatments are safe for all skin types.
Laser treatment sessions with the Elite MPX typically last less than a half-hour, and are easy to fit into a busy schedule. Best of all, the Elite MPX has a built-in cooling device to reduce discomfort during the procedure. Laser treatments have few side effects, which usually include some minor swelling and redness. Patients are able to resume their normal routines immediately following treatment without any downtime.
Contact Aeon Aesthetics & Gynecology today to learn more about Elite MPX aesthetic laser treatments.
Did you know that over the course of the average person’s life, he or she will spend months shaving? Now, with laser hair removal, you can permanently reduce hair and stop wasting time removing unwanted hair. Elite MPX laser treatments deliver long-lasting results with advanced laser hair removal technology.
How does Laser Hair Removal work?
The Elite MPX’s laser light beams reach below the surface of the skin to target individual hair follicles. The laser energy damages the follicles and inhibits future hair growth without harming the surrounding skin. Since not all of your hair develops at the same time, multiple sessions are scheduled to ensure that all of the hair follicles have been treated. Laser hair removal is safe and can be used to remove hair from the face, arms, back, underarms, legs, chest and bikini area. Fast Laser Hair Removal with the Elite MPX
What to expect during Laser Hair Removal?
The exact number of sessions required for permanent hair removal will vary depending on the treatment area and the patient’s hair type. Most treatment sessions last less than a half-hour, and are easy to fit into a busy schedule. Best of all, the side effects are no worse than the redness, itching and cuts normally received from shaving or waxing. Most patients can resume their normal activities immediately following treatment.
Contact Aeon Aesthetics & Gynecology today to learn more about Laser Hair Removal
Stop hiding rosacea and brown spots under layers of makeup, and use IPL laser treatments to remove them! The Elite MPX uses gentle intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments to easily remove dark spots and facial veins without painful side effects.
How does IP Photorejuvenation work?
The Elite MPX safely delivers optimized laser light pulses to target unwanted dark spots and veins. The Elite MPX’s powerful laser energy activates the body’s healing processes to naturally heal skin imperfections. In addition to removing dark spots and veins, the laser also stimulates new collagen production to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. IPL treatments are safe for most skin types. Brown spots and veins on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms and legs can be removed to reveal clear and flawless skin.
What to expect during IP Photorejuvenation?
Photorejuvenation treatments last about 15-20 minutes. Depending on the patient’s skin type, several sessions may be recommended to achieve the best results. Most people do not find laser treatments painful and anesthetic is not usually required. After treatment, a sunburn-like sensation and some minor swelling is common, but will resolve rapidly. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately following in-office treatments.
If unwanted dark spots and visible veins are affecting your confidence, consider IPL treatments with Huntington Women’s Health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to see if IPL is right for your skin.
Contact Aeon Aesthetics & Gynecology today to learn more about IP Photorejuvenation
Fight back against aging with the latest advancement in skin care science! Noninvasive laser treatments with the Elite MPX can help reverse the signs of aging. Laser skin revitalization decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, without the downtime or side effects of surgical procedures.
How does Laser Skin Rejuvenation work?
Unlike most skin care products, the Elite’s powerful laser light beams are able to penetrate the surface of the skin to generate new skin tissues. The laser energy activates the body’s own collagen and elastin production mechanisms to replace the aging tissues with new, healthy skin cells. Fine lines and wrinkles are naturally filled in without damaging the surrounding skin, giving you impressive results in very little time. Elite MPX laser anti-aging treatment is safe for all skin types and skin resurfacing for all skin types
What to expect during Laser Skin Rejuvenation?
Laser skin rejuvenation treatments only last about 15-20 minutes. Depending on your skin type, several sessions may be recommended to achieve best results. Patients may experience some slight discomfort when the laser is applied, but do not usually require anesthetic. Laser wrinkle reduction treatments have few side effects, which sometimes include a sunburn-like sensation and some swelling after treatment. Most people can resume their normal activities immediately following laser anti-aging treatments.
Contact Aeon Aesthetics & Gynecology today to learn more about Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Visible veins on the legs and face can be very embarrassing. Instead of hiding behind layers of makeup or never wearing shorts, vanish your veins with noninvasive laser treatments. Advances in the use of lasers and light sources allow Huntington Women’s Health to successfully treat vascular conditions on the face and legs without painful side effects or downtime.
How does Vein Reduction Treatment work?
Laser vascular treatments safely treat rosacea, facial veins, vascular lesions, spider, varicose and reticular veins without damaging the surrounding skin. The process is simple. A beam of targeted laser light passes through the skin and is absorbed by the bloodstream. As the laser energy reaches the problem blood vessels and veins, they naturally disintegrate. As the veins disappear, the skin’s clear, unblemished appearance is restored.
What to expect during Vein Reduction Treatment?
After just one laser vein treatment, you will start seeing results. Depending on the patient’s condition, multiple sessions may be recommended to achieve the best results. Laser vascular treatments are practically free from pain and side effects. The laser application may cause some slight discomfort, but anesthetic is not usually required. After the session, patients commonly experience some temporary redness and warmth at the treatment site. Most people can resume their normal activities immediately following treatment. Also known as sclerotherapy and laser vein treatment. Spider veins (not to be confused with varicose veins) are dilated or stretched blood vessels that have a branching pattern and are commonly found on the thigh, lower leg and occasionally on the face. Spider veins are progressive in nature and usually increase in number and visibility with age. Sclerotherapy and laser vein treatments are used to treat these vessels, erasing them from your skin.
Related Procedures
Many people who consider spider vein treatment also consider laser hair removal, fat grafting, chemical peel, dermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing.
These are the top three pros and cons to weigh when considering spider vein treatment. If you want to focus on what is unique to you, please consult with your aesthetic plastic surgeon.
The following are some common reasons why you may want to consider spider vein treatment:
If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.
Contact Aeon Aesthetics & Gynecology today to learn more about Vein Reduction and Spider Vein Treatment
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